Posts tagged with "epigenetic science"

epigenetic biomarker of Health - Biological Age
06. December 2020
Biological age is a measure of lifestyle, habits, and innate factors that cause us to age. How an individual’s biological age should be measured and what factors should be included and weighted to calculate a biological age continues to be of great interest to researchers. Today, it is understood that individuals experience different rates of aging resulting from progressive deterioration, occurring simultaneously at the molecular, cellular, tissue, organ, and functional levels. This is...

03. December 2020
Whereas the term “genome” refers to the entire DNA sequence of an organism (three billion letters of it for humans), the epigenome refers to the entire pattern of epigenetic modifications across all genes, including methyl DNA tags, methyl histone tags, acetyl histone tags and other chemical tags that we have not mentioned, in each cell type of an organism. This represents an almost unimaginable amount of information, dwarfing even the human genome project. Nevertheless, knowledge of the...