EpiCell Diagnostics

We bring epigenetic science to individual health

EpiCell Diagnostics - DNA methylation and epigenetic diagnostic in Europe

Epigenetics is the study of biological mechanisms that will switch genes on and off. Epigenetics is everywhere. What you eat, where you live, who you interact with, when you sleep, how you exercise, even aging - all of these cause chemical modifications, i.e. diverge methylations, around the genes that will turn those genes on or off over time. Current epigenetics helps us to understand the mysteries of major biological processes such as maturing, cancer, and the development of mostly all known diseases. Epigenetic-related science, publications, and most recently, consumer products have been rising exponentially since the 2000s and will continue to grow.

The current progress enables us already a low-cost exploration of this science. It is easier than ever to gain a significant insight into diagnostic kits, the epigenetic industry may already working with in the lab or close to healthcare providers.

 EpiCell - epigenetic diagnostics and current trends
Current trends in epigenetic research

Epigenetics — the science of change

Epigenetics, a 21st century science, allows you to understand and track how your health conditions, past and present lifestyle, and environment affect your genes.

If we view one's DNA as the computer hardware, epigenetics is the software that determines what the computer can do. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modification, and non-coding RNA (ncRNA)-associated gene silencing are currently considered to initiate and sustain epigenetic changes.

Ready-to-consumer epigenetic diagnostic tests

What is the regulatory status of using epigenetics?

Do current US and EU laws regulating genetics also apply to epigenetics? While clear regulatory guidance on this question is still lacking, current authority and scholarship suggests that laws regulating the use of genetic information do not apply to epigenetic information. The reasoning rests on a qualitative difference between genetic and epigenetic information. 

Similar to existing medical information utilized in patient care industry (e.g., blood and urine samples), epigenetic tests can provide sensitive information about an individual’s substance use history, health risks, and current health problems, as well as producing potentially identifiable information such as gender and biological age.

biological age epigenetic diagnostics test in europe

Epigenetic tests costs

All commercially available epigenetic diagnostics tests are focused on diagnosis, screening, check-up, and early disease detection. Over twenty DNA methylation biomarkers are currently registered in the US and EU direct-to-consumer marketplace. The main utility of these tests is the potential for the methylation analysis to be carried out on an easily accessible biospecimen (diagnostics from buccal swabs, saliva, blood, urine, or stool), rather than being limited to expensive tissue biopsies.

EpiCell Diagnostics - epigenetic tests buy online

The costs involved in epigenetic screening technologies have dropped much faster than what might have been predicted by Moore’s Law. Today, direct-to-consumer epigenetic testing companies offer health screening diagnostics kits that cost anywhere from 99€ to 299€, and the costs for invasive laboratory tests are, in common, comparable.

Who we are?

EpiCell Diagnostics is coming to the forefront of direct-to-consumer epigenetic science. In Germany and Switzerland, we collaborate with some of the nation's leading bioscience and biotechnology companies, epigenetic test developers, In vitro diagnostics (IVD) laboratories, and academic institutions, aiming to connect cutting-edge epigenetic know-how with your health.

EpiCell Diagnostics provides you with the currently available information about DNA and histone methylation kits, related to the development and follow-up of various diseases and health conditions. We are permanently collecting useful links, methods, technical guides, and scientific recourses associated with epigenetics, DNA methylation, and the global DNA methylation market.

illumina iscan microarray scanner - epigenetic diagnostic

 We discover the potential of implementing epigenetic information in the life and long-term care insurance industry.

Here, we kindly offer information and market platform resources for researchers and epigenetic kit manufacturers conducting DNA methylation assays for their epigenetic products.

We believe that current epigenetics science will further provide healthcare members with low-cost routine tests and highly efficient personalized medicine, allowing patients to receive an early diagnosis, improve overall recovery, and increase their survival from devastating diseases.

Epicelldiagnostics - epigenetic diagnostic direct-to-consumer market in Europe